Tuesday, November 10, 2009

remembering stacie aka caramel

I write this story about a girl I met in Washington DC sometime ago, I knew her as caramel, her real name stacie, I won't give her last name. that would be giving out too much information about her. I remember when we would often sit and chat alot when I would visit her at a place called louis rogue, she was in fact a very beautiful looking young woman. I even asked to join me at Division One International, but I guess in many ways she was and was not interested. I bonly wish she had decided to continue with it. she would have made a great representative to Division One International. I only wish that I could speak with her right now.
I can understand that she now has her own life to deal with now. but it would be nice to speak to her again. even for a brief moment would be fine. if she ever wants to come back and be apart of Division One International. I would most certainly welcome her back with open arms. I always told her that I would stand behing her and support her no matter what she decided to do. and I still stand by that conviction today. I will always be there for her.
there were alot of men in her life. and I was aware of this. but I wanted to show her that I did not hate her for this. that I did trust her judgement on many matters. I never really knew wether stacie lived in DC, Maryland or Virginia. not that it really mattered, but I really do miss her. and I really would like to see her again. maybe someday we will see each other again. as I write this message i hope that stacie does find this. i want her to know, that even though I was not exactly her Ideal candidate for a soul mate. I did care alot about her. I know that there will always be other girls, but not like stacie. not like my caramel. I don't know what it was that attracted me to you. but I will never ever get over it. where ever you are at this very moment, I do wish all the best. I wish you a very safe and happy thanksgiving holiday season, and a very merry christmas, I still hangon to that hope that maybe, just maybe one day I will see you again.
Take Care, and best wishes to you always.
August H Mallory

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The matter of being forced to give out personal information- story by August H Mallory

As I write this story, I could not help but to mention the fact that many poor people are forced to give out their personal information when trying to seek help from many social service agencies throughout america. as I see the poor and homeless being a victim of information theft. these agencies have the right now to pass your personal information to anyone they so choose. we hear about identity theft, well everybody if these agencies want to pass themselves off as you. they can. social workers are very nosey people, they want to know everything about you from the day that you were born. I personally only give them information that I want them to know and nothing more. trust me I stretch the truth as far as possible. on social service case worker told me that talking to alot of people was like pulling teeth. I cannot blame alot of people. it seems to me if a person comes to seek help from an agency why must a person go through so much. as I write this story, I hope that a person that is in need will try to question agencies as to why do they need so much information. I have discovered that many families do not want other people to know their information. so many families have closed off contact with family members just to keep their information private. this is sad but when you consider the many psychopaths out there. you cannot blame many people. however I do understand that with employment, employers need to know how to contact their employees. the freedom of information act is a dangerous thing for many people. and it seems that no one has any privacy anymore.
our private freedom has gone out of the window these days. I see why the poor and homeless prefer to sleep in the streets and prefer not to be bothered with this type of intrusion into their personal lives.
street newspapers do have some level of respect for a person's privacy. many street newspapers only ask you to sign a contract agreement not an application. I am all for that. at least your personal information is not thrown all across america. and many agencies need to realize this. and take this into consideration. oh' yes they will tell you that they are aware of all of this. but they don't practice privacy. maybe they will think differently when someone happens to throw all of their information across america.